Embrace the fluidity of life with ITC’s fall/winter 2023-24 trends

As soon as we feel summer’s warm embrace gently quietening, nature treats us to one final burst of colour before the leaves curl up and wither away. Drawing inspiration from this seasonal transition, we invite you to explore our fall/winter campaign for 2023-24, called Quiet Gatherings. Let's take a look at what drives us to reprioritise our home and explore the colours and textures that celebrate the beauty of fall and winter.


As we prepare for fall and winter, we find ourselves adapting to changing temperatures and moods by embracing the fluidity of life. After a period of instability and change, we now recognise that permanence is a thing of the past. The boundaries between work and life, indoors and outdoors, solitude and togetherness are becoming increasingly blurred. As such, the home is becoming a safe haven that caters to all these different elements.

To meet these evolving needs, we have developed versatile flooring solutions that can blend in or make a statement, depending on your preferences. From nurturing and quiet to indulgent and uplifting, our offering allows you to embrace the fluidity of life.

Sophie Hautekeete, Head of Marketing, explains: "Fall and winter represent times of rest and reflection. The natural world slows down and people retreat to the comfort of their homes. However, the aftermath of the pandemic and uncertainty caused by wars and inflation has also reminded us that we have to look beyond the confines of our own homes and minds. As a result, we see people reassessing their relationship with their home, leading to spaces becoming more flexible and multi-functional.”


LUCID: blurring dreams and reality

The LUCID mood blurs the lines between dreams and reality, creating immersive interiors that are both soothing and pioneering. To achieve this aesthetic, we have incorporated glossy finishes in carpets such as Royale and Mae, along with unexpected colour combinations, such as powdery pastels, cosmic blue and pink and purple shades to create a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere.

ROOTED: reconnecting with nature

The ROOTED mood taps into the reconnecting with nature trend, but with a twist. It celebrates the recurrence of nature and teaches us to see the beauty in rawness and imperfection. This mood is characterised by rugged textures, raw surfaces with organic curves, and warm colours such as moss green, warm ochre, and burnt orange.

CHERISH: finding poetry in the everyday

The CHERISH mood invites you to slow down and find poetry in the everyday by blending old and new into a unique visual symphony. The warm reddish tones, bold botanical patterns, and comforting carpet textures, such as Frances with its velvet-like tip-sheared structure, create a mesmerising and comforting effect.

RENESSENCE: renewing what’s essential

Finally, the RENESSENCE mood embodies quiet luxury. Simple yet refined silhouettes and tinted neutrals celebrate a subdued beauty and understated elegance. We have translated this into high-performing carpets with soft textures and dense structures, such as Jane, that create a luxurious sensation underfoot.

Embrace the changing seasons with ITC

Discover the comfort of the changing seasons with our Quiet Gatherings campaign for fall/winter 2023-24. Whether you seek a dreamy escape, a rooted connection with nature, a poetic blend of old and new, or the allure of quiet luxury, we have versatile options to meet your evolving needs.