ITC wishes you a season of comfort!

As the year winds down and the days grow shorter, we invite you to picture a scene of perfect winter comfort: a roaring fire, a holiday feast laid out on the table and a luxurious broadloom carpet underfoot. We extend our heartfelt season’s greetings to you and yours, and we also hope to remind you how, despite the tumultuous past few years around the globe, we’re always ready to provide warm and fuzzy holiday cheer in the form of the world’s top-quality floor coverings.

Looking back on 2021: a year of change…

2021 was undeniably a year full of change, but what a year to connect carpet with comfort! Indeed, our main goal this year was to offer an array of products specifically with comfort in mind, a goal we managed to meet not just in terms of satisfying market demand for our end users, but also in terms of our quality engineering and the dazzling marketing that drew attention to our expertise.

Taking a cue from our experience this past year, we have been investing in an enhanced digital experience for our customers, including easy-to-follow product guidance, updated and eye-catching imagery, a website that’s more customer-focused, and engaging new campaigns on social media.

Welcoming in the new year

Soon we’ll be ushering in a new, exciting, and possibly uncertain year, but rest assured: we will remain focused on beautiful, elegant design, and maximum comfort in 2022. We are excited about what the new year will bring, but until the clock strikes midnight on December 31, we hope that you will be able to find some year-end moments of comfort and relaxation in your homes, take joy in reuniting with family and friends, celebrate the holidays, and simply have fun.

And may all your carpeting be...

Our twinkles are one of many ways that ITC is helping to light up the holidays. No need to get bundled up and go outside when you can spend a holiday season inside with some comfortable carpet underfoot and a home full of twinkling lights.

Wishing you a joyous holiday season

In closing, we sincerely hope that 2022 brings you countless times of joy, a lot of relaxing moments and that your home will be brimming with the kind of carpeted comfort you wished for.

Happy holidays from all of us on the ITC team!

Want to learn more about how you can find your own year-end comfort with ITC? Get in touch here.